ACCOUNT:this symbol is made to reference the long, sleepless nights that otis students take on trying to finish projects. some people are seasoned veterans at not sleeping, so i spoke with them about their experiences. one person talked about how bitter they were about them, so i drew a vinegar bottle. another person talk about how, after three days of no sleep, saw a spider - so i drew a spider common to california. lastly, a person spoke about how these sleepless nights always seem to "bite you in the ass" at a later point, so i had the spider biting into the vinegar bottle.
ACCOUNT:this symbols references working a job outside of otis, while in school. when talking to people and in my own experience, working a job while going to school is generally very taxing. spending all day at school, then turning in to work for someone else can be quite a lot for someone's plate. i chose chopping wood because it seemed like a very intense job, that requires devotion and energy. in text, in japanese, says "sweat".
ACCOUNT:this symbol is for all of the students who tend to reside in the ahmanson building, which is the main building for otis. the symbol references the buildings beginning for ibm, and their punchcards - which shaped the design of the building itself.
ACCOUNT:for the who enjoy the texture and feel of graphite, the HB pencil is very common in the otis art school experience. the pencil is the rival of the pen.
ACCOUNT:the pen is unforgiving and permanent. while discussing the merits of a pen vs. a pencil, someone said that you had to have a brain to use a pen; though, i'm not sure i completely agree - i thought it would be a good idea to attach a brain just in case the pen user doesn't happen to have one.
ACCOUNT:this symbol is for the people at otis who have met someone they would do anything for. i tried to play off of religious artwork that featured the virgin mary and jesus. in the same way their relationship featured devotion and an intense bond, it seemed important to discuss the idea of two people becoming one - which is why the faces have melted together.
ACCOUNT:for the fashion campus, i took a cue from
MY XMAS CARD. the idea of fabric cutting and downtown seemed like something that were necessary.
ACCOUNT:for the people who prefer making things on the computer, to making things by hand. I drew every hole i could find on the backside of computers.
ACCOUNT:this symbol is for the people who have been teacher's assistants at otis. they come in and do a lot of work, that can be fun or mindless. there was a video i watched quite a bit in my childhood which showed elves cobbling shoes, but because they sang a song - it looked like a very enjoyable job. i felt like that was something that needed to be conveyed in this symbol, because some people love the work and some don't.
ACCOUNT:this symbol is for the residents of the fine art building, also called the galef building. when i looked into how the galef family made their money, i learned that the family has a history in alcohol distribution, from los angeles and chicago specifically.
STORY:this symbol is for the people who can grow beards.
ACCOUNT:this symbol is for anyone who considered leaving otis at any point. it seems like the ends can justify the means. as people might be churning this in their minds, i feel like people get many things backwards when considering the big picture. i took a reference from a russian gang tattoo, and tried to discuss the meaning of al capone in crime, currency, and power by flipping him. in korean, it reads without - which is what would happen if they left.
ACCOUNT:for the people who prefer to make things with their hands, the needle and spool are the epitome of handmade.